
在 OpenCV 中使用卷积进行图像滤波


先决条件:OpenCV 基础卷积基础

本文讨论了在开放源代码计算机视觉中利用卷积进行图像滤波。为了在 Python 中使用 OpenCV 库,必须安装以下库:

  • Numpy 库
  • Matplotlib 程式库
  • OpenCV 库


 pip install opencv-python
 pip install numpy
 pip install matplotlib



在 2D 卷积中,核矩阵是一个二维的正方形矩阵,其中 A 和 B 都是奇数



身份内核是可以执行的最简单和最基本的内核操作。产生的输出图像与作为输入给出的图像完全一样。它确实改变了输入图像。它是一个中心元素等于 1 的方阵。矩阵的所有其他元素都是 0。下面给出的代码演示了身份内核的操作:


蟒蛇 3

# Importing OpenCV and Numpy Libraries
import cv2
import numpy as np

# Reads image from the disk using cv2.imread() function 
img = cv2.imread('geeksforgeeks.png')

# Apply identity kernel
# In an Identity Kernel matrix the value of the middle element is 1
# The values of all the other elements are 0
id_kernel = np.array([[0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 1, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0]])

# Filtered image is obtained using the variable flt_img
# cv2.fliter2D() is the function used
# src is the source of image(here, img)
# ddepth is destination depth. -1 will mean output image will have same depth as input image
# kernel is used for specifying the kernel operation (here, id_kernel)
flt_img = cv2.filter2D(src=img, ddepth=-1, kernel=id_kernel)

# Display the filtered image using cv2.imshow() function
# Here, output image is same as input image since we are using identity kernel
cv2.imshow('Identity', flt_img)

# cv2.waitkey(delay) function holds the screen till any key is pressed by the user
# It pauses the screen for delay milliseconds if the delay is a positive value
# It pauses the screen for a key event infinitely if the delay is 0 or negative

# cv2.destroyAllWindows() function deletes all the GUI windows from memory
