
Python |使用 OpenCV 以反向模式播放视频


OpenCV (开源计算机视觉)是一个计算机视觉库,包含对图像或视频进行操作的各种功能。

OpenCV's application areas include :

1) Facial recognition system
2) motion tracking
3) Artificial neural network
4) Deep neural network
5) video streaming  etc.

在 Python 中,可以使用名为 CV2 的 OpenCV 库。Python 没有附带 cv2,所以用户需要单独安装。


py pip install opencv-python

对于 Linux:

py sudo apt-get install python-opencv

OpenCv 库可以用来对视频进行多种操作。让我们尝试使用 CV2 做一些有趣的事情。将视频作为输入,通过将视频逐帧分解并同时将该帧存储在列表中,以反向模式播放。在获得帧列表后,我们对帧执行迭代。对于以反向模式播放视频,我们只需要在帧列表中反向迭代。使用列表的反转方法反转列表中帧的顺序。 下面是实现:

蟒蛇 3

# Python program to play a video
# in reverse mode using opencv

# import cv2 library
import cv2

# videoCapture method of cv2 return video object

# Pass absolute address of video file
cap = cv2.VideoCapture("video_file_location")

# read method of video object will return
# a tuple with 1st element denotes whether
# the frame was read successfully or not,
# 2nd element is the actual frame.

# Grab the current frame.
check , vid = cap.read()

# counter variable for
# counting frames
counter = 0

# Initialize the value
# of check variable
check = True

frame_list = []

# If reached the end of the video
# then we got False value of check.

# keep looping until we
# got False value of check.
while(check == True):

    # imwrite method of cv2 saves the
    # image to the specified format.
    cv2.imwrite("frame%d.jpg" %counter , vid)
    check , vid = cap.read()

    # Add each frame in the list by
    # using append method of the List

    # increment the counter by 1
    counter += 1

# last value in the frame_list is None
# because when video reaches to the end
# then false value store in check variable
# and None value is store in vide variable.

# removing the last value from the
# frame_list by using pop method of List

# looping in the List of frames.
for frame in frame_list:

    # show the frame.
    cv2.imshow("Frame" , frame)

    # waitkey method to stopping the frame
    # for some time. q key is presses,
    # stop the loop
    if cv2.waitKey(25) and 0xFF == ord("q"):

# release method of video
# object clean the input video

# close any open windows

# reverse the order of the element
# present in the list by using
# reverse method of the List.

for frame in frame_list:
    cv2.imshow("Frame" , frame)
    if cv2.waitKey(25) and 0xFF == ord("q"):


